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Freshwater management tool: report 7. Riparian area management scenarios. Freshwater management tool

Auckland Council Healthy Waters Department, Tom Stephens, Perrin Ag Consultants, Carla Muller
Auckland Council Healthy Waters Department
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Freshwater management tool: report 7. Riparian area management scenarios. Freshwater management tool

Extract from the Executive summary

Auckland Council (AC) has requested that as part of their ongoing development of their Fresh Water Management Tool (FWMT) Stage 1, a three-phased approach is pursued to support rural costs and benefits of mitigations being assigned logical conditions for cost-optimisation. In the first step, rural literature was reviewed by Muller et al. (2020) with the aim to provide initial estimates of mitigation options, cost and effectiveness. In the second phase, further examination is given to incorporating both further mitigations (e.g. especially for sediment and pathogens) as well as tailoring mitigations to the Auckland region and modelling requirements, whilst recognizing for the sectoral and contaminant, uncertainty of mitigations (see Muller et al., 2020). This report is an extension to the Stage 1 output (Muller et al., 2020) and intended to provide more refined estimates on riparian management (both planting and fencing) mitigations, including both cost and effectiveness estimates.

The purpose of this document is twofold, first to provide initial estimates of costs and benefits for rural riparian management options for inclusion in Stage 1 of the FWMT, and second to stimulate discussion on where these costs and benefits need to be improved as part of further modelling within the FWMT. This improvement could be undertaken through input from the rural sector, expert caucusing, field trials, additional evidence being provided and evidence and input from other stakeholders. It is not an isolated piece of work, but a part of the broader FWMT development process and as such should be read in conjunction with the other ongoing technical work being undertaken by AC. ...

FWMT report 2021/7

Auckland Council, September 2022


List of Freshwater Management Tool reports

1. Baseline data inputs

2. Baseline configuration and performance | Report 2, appendices (in preparation)

3. Baseline state assessment (rivers) | Report 3, appendices (in preparation)

4. Current state assessment (lakes). Not published. Inquiries to:

5. Review of the freshwater management tool. Baseline state assessment (rivers)

6. Literature review of primary sector responses to water quality: efficacy and cost

7. Riparian area management scenarios. Freshwater management tool

8. Lifecycle costs and benefits for rural mitigations in the freshwater management tool

9. A total economic valuation approach to understanding costs and benefits of intervention scenarios – part 1 urban devices

10. A total economic valuation approach to understanding costs and benefits of intervention scenarios – part 2 urban source control costs

11. Recommendations for improving rural mitigation modelling in the freshwater management tool


Inquiries to:
