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The congestion question. Main findings

Ministry of Transport
Ministry of Transport
Publication date:  



Central Government and Auckland Council officials have been working together for several years on a project called The Congestion Question (TCQ). The purpose of the project is to undertake a thorough investigation sufficient to support a decision on whether or not to introduce congestion pricing on part or all of Auckland’s road network. Congestion pricing is a method used to improve network performance by charging road users to encourage some to change the time, route or way in which they travel.

The TCQ technical investigation builds on the findings of the Auckland Transport Alignment Project (ATAP), which sets out a 30-year vision for Auckland’s transport system. This vision comprised three integrated elements: targeting investment to the most significant challenges, making better use of the existing network, and focusing more on managing travel demand. ATAP identified pricing as having significant potential to manage travel demand and reduce congestion, in conjunction with implementing a substantial investment programme.

Report published in November 2020

See also

The congestion question. Technical report

Ministry of Transport

The Congestion Question, TCQ
