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Teu Le Vā Pacific work programme - evaluation

Sarah Leo Anderson, Jaimee Raymond, Tātaki Auckland Unlimited
Auckland Unlimited
Publication date:  


Executive summary

The journey to develop the Teu Le Vā Pacific work programme started at the end of 2018. Its purpose was to address a fundamental question: Is there a role for Tātaki Auckland Unlimited, a mainstream regional economic and cultural agency to participate in, and influence economic development initiatives that affect Pacific peoples in the region? If there is, how would Tātaki Auckland Unlimited ascribe interventions that are genuine, sustainable, and relevant?

The question evolved into a proposition to reflect Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland’s changing demography (and the societal and cultural norms that go with it): How does a mainstream regional economic development agency support Pacific peoples in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland to have economic choice and live socially and economically prosperous lives?

This fundamental question became the ‘vision’ of Teu Le Vā – Tātaki Auckland Unlimited’s Pacific work programme. This inclusion guaranteed the work programme would be operationalised and brought to life.

The evaluation will journey the reader through the background, provide evidence as to the need for a mainstream regional economic development agency’s participation in Pacific economic development, and therefore why a Pacific work programme must exist in this environment. It will highlight key findings that align with Tātaki Auckland Unlimited’s Business Intervention Key Performance Indicator and other influential Pacific focused initiatives. It will feature existing strategic relationships across government, industry and not-for-profit, all with the intention to stand-up Pacific economic and social development in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. A comprehensive list of recommendations concludes this evaluation, for consideration to commence 1 July 2023.

Not to be understated, this evaluation affirms the authenticity and integrity of the narrative and prose of the Pacific authors evaluating the Teu Le Vā work programme from their unique viewpoint.

Finally, the authors recognise the special place of Māori as tangata whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand and the relationship between Māori and the Crown as Treaty partners. In the context of this evaluation, we recognise Pacific peoples as Tauiwi in Aotearoa, with a nod to ancient familial links and their whanaunga to Māori.

Tātaki Auckland Unlimited, June 2023

See also

Teu Le Vā Pacific work programme research

Tātaki Auckland Unlimited

