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Kauri dieback track user study 2020

Kathryn Ovenden
Auckland Council Environmental Services, Biosecurity
Publication date:  

Extract from the executive summary:

Kauri dieback disease (Phytophthora agathidicida) is a serious threat to our native kauri and has no cure. Kauri are taonga of the ngahere (forest) and act as indicators of ngahere wellbeing. To prevent the spread of kauri dieback disease Auckland Council, as a partner in the national Kauri Dieback Programme, contributes a suite of initiatives. These initiatives include, but are not limited to, installing and managing over 100 cleaning stations, delivering communications campaigns, supporting landowners to care for kauri on private land, and a summer ambassador programme to educate track users and increase awareness of kauri dieback disease.

The annual track user survey monitors the success of initiatives aiming to raise awareness of kauri dieback disease and enable correct use of the cleaning stations. The intercept survey was first initiated in 2012 and is administered through the ambassador programme. ...

Auckland Council technical report, TR2020/020

October 2020
